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Monroe County Link Plan

The Monroe County Link Plan 2.0 is the culmination of a years' worth of work by roughly 100 area stakeholders representing business, manufacturing, education, government, tourism, non-profits, economic development and countless other areas of expertise.  As the continuation to Link Plan 1.0, which realized over one billion dollars in investment into the community, over 1500 new jobs and the retention of almost 600 existing position, Link Plan 2.0 has focused on four key areas where stakeholders examined, explored and evaluated many ideas and concepts all geared to an improved and healthier Monroe County.  As a result of these teams immense work, research, discussion and fiscal evaluation, action items have resulted from each team and are being presented for further work and consideration.


Four areas of exploration for the Link Plan 2.0

  • Cornerstone (Marketing/Branding/Quality of Life)
  • Prepare for Investment (Economic Development/Infrastructure Master Planning)
  • Talent (Labor and Opportunity)
  • Launch 734 (Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development)

The Monroe County Business Alliance, with the fiscal support of our Monroe County Board of Commissioners, is excited to continue to take actionable steps which continue our county on the incredible trajectory it is on.  With a focus on growth, quality of life, and opportunity, the Monroe County Business Alliance continues to guide stakeholders collectively toward a very bright future.

Read the Link Plan 2.0 by clicking here.