Talent & Education
We Offer First Class Talent
Career & Technical Education in Monroe County is driven by local initiatives since we do not have a county tech center or millage. To prepare our students for post-secondary education, we have nine comprehensive high schools, one intermediate school district, and a local community college.
The Monroe County Link Plan is part of a CTE initiative in Monroe County that began in 2013. A superintendents' ad hoc committee was created with the goal of forming a county consortium, so all students could take advantage of CTE programs whether their local district had the program or not. Two years of meetings with local superintendents, business leaders, and community members resulted in a need for career exploration and exposure.
The Monroe County Intermediate School District (ISD) led the charge and has facilitated yearly CTE Expos, Manufacturing Day, and CTE shadowing opportunities for students.
In 2016, a CTE Consortium was formed for students and schools. The first year in existence, 18 students participated in the sharing. As of September 2018, 55 students are now part of the consortium with plans to expand.
All of these efforts have been promising, but our businesses are pushing schools for quicker results. Therefore, at least three schools have added a career development facilitator, post-secondary planners, and a career coach in their schools. The purpose of these individuals is to do career planning and provide work-based learning opportunities for students.
A goal of this consortium, now known as the Talent & Workforce Development Pillar, is to create and initiate a comprehensive county credential that is recognized by local employers to fast-track individuals into careers using work-based learning experiences. The long-term vision is to have placement for students when they graduate high school if they choose to enter the workplace immediately after high school.
A partnership of the Monroe County Intermediate School District with Monroe County school districts, Monroe County Community College and many area businesses and industries to benefit all Monroe County students. The MCTC Early College offers an alternative learning path that works for Monroe County!
MCTC Early College programs prepare students for a wide range of careers that reflect the contemporary workplace by offering many state-approved educational and career courses.
What is the MCTC Early College?
MCTC Early College is an exciting opportunity for students to remain at their high school for the majority of their coursework and further their CTE program at MCCC. This county-wide initiative allows high school students in CTE programs to extend their high school experience by one year. Students have the opportunity to earn both their high school diploma and substantial college credit through an additional fifth year of study.
Who is eligible to participate in the MCTC?
MCTC is designed for high school CTE students interested in continuing their chosen occupational program into college. They commit to completing an approved technical certificate, associate’s degree, and/or up to 60 college credits. Applicants must be current 10th grade students enrolled in a participating Monroe County high school. They must also be or will be enrolled later this school year in a CTE program at their high school.
How will this program work with the typical High School student schedule?
Students will continue in their already-scheduled 10th grade year for 2016-2017 at their high school. They would then decide in the spring of their 10th grade year, to commit to participating in the MCTC Early College. Upon qualification for the program, they would be asked to commit to extend their high school experience one year and enroll in approved college courses that will lead toward a technical certificate, associate’s degree, and/or college credits.
Is there a cost to participate?
There is no cost to families for tuition, fees, textbooks, or required materials for the approved college courses. However, transportation to and from the MCCC campus is the responsibility of the student and his or her family. Students are expected to attend all class sessions for the college courses for which they register.
Can a student complete the program without leaving their High School?
Students typically will take some college courses in 11th and 12th grades while being enrolled in their high school CTE program and other courses for high school graduation requirements. Then in their 13th year, the majority of their classes will be MCCC courses; one remaining required high school credit may be taken through a course offered on the MCCC campus. The program of study is individualized for each student.
What is the different between the Monroe County Technical and Career Early College and the Monroe County Middle College? (MCMC)
MCTC is an 11-13th year early college program for high school students enrolled in a CTE program who want to pursue a technical certificate or an associate’s degree. Students must follow an approved program of study leading to a certificate or degree. The certificate or degree is a career credential and is the capstone of the extended CTE experience.
MCMC is a 5-year high school with classrooms on the MCCC campus for students in grades 9-13. MCMC students do not take high school courses at their local school; instead all of their high school courses are on the campus of the MCCC.
General questions about the MCTC program are directed toward Jennifer LaDuke, Monroe County CTE Director, 734.322.2720.